“Relations with neighboring countries are very close to me, because from what is happening in the world, I see that someone probably wants to quarrel countries that live next to each other” – Ludmiła Czekanowa from Belarus said, a participant of the Schuman Trimarium Forum held in Krasiczyn. “But when we meet people and give space for non-use of ideology, we see that we have rather good relations and, in my opinion, this is what cooperation and various international organizations are built on” – she emphasized.
“We need the cooperation of NGOs locally in our small homelands, but we also need it for exchange in regions and areas, because without stimulating each other, without exchanging goods, resources, information, everything that we have the most beautiful, each from our homelands separately, we will not develop, we will stand still. Robert Schuman also teaches us this beautiful idea of working for the common good. Here, on such forums, we can talk about it, deepen this topic. This is also a place where we immediately move on to specifics. That’s what it’s supposed to be about” – Agata Lewkowicz (NGO League)said during the panel. She proposed the creation of International Meeting Houses as a space for conducting conversations, strengthening relationships and exchanging ideas. She did not hide the fact that she counted on the support of the Polish state. “International Meeting Houses can be a tool or support our work, the work of the Institute in smaller, local meetings” – she noted.
In turn, Aleksandra Jankowska from the Intermarium Institute emphasized that although the Three Seas Initiative is very popular in Poland and arouses interest in other countries as well, we should see what the external threats are and from which side we can expect that the idea we want to build will try to be destroyed. “We need to know this and take into account that such things may happen” – she emphasized, pointing out that only after such an analysis we can proceed to the implementation of the project. She also referred to the Robert Schuman research groups to be established at universities. “The fact that these Schuman Circles will be established, I think that the next step, professor, must be that we need to develop an agenda to meet. Not only in Poland, but also to have a program developed where we meet” – she added, emphasizing the necessity of creating milestones that we will strive to achieve.
“What is developing has the power to stop this aggression” – Prof. Zbigniew Krysiak said in the context of cooperation within the Intermarium. “The Community of Intermarium nations is to change life in Europe, to return Europe and Western Europe to its original, Christian path, to return to unity, solidarity and peace. This is your task, young people” – he told the audience. He pointed out that trade exchange within the Three Seas Initiative will increase the capital strength of the countries associated in it, and the capital position is very important in the modern world. “This is the pillar of solidarity that we can show as Intermarium nations. And there is a role for young people here” – he emphasized. He proposed to abandon imports from Germany, France and the Netherlands in favor of imports from Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria. “We would retain approximately USD 100 billion in the region every year” – he calculated. “We have capital to develop the economy, to invest” – professor emphasized. He also drew attention to the need for socio-economic solidarity. “90 percent of capital goes into the pockets of 4-5 percent of people in the entire global population” – he said, pointing to the increasing polarization accompanied by the spread of anti-values.
During the second day of the Schuman Trimarium Forum, the gathered young people shared their experiences in running social and economic activities. They pointed out problems, made diagnoses, and also proposed solutions. “Relations with neighboring countries are very close to me, because from what is happening in the world I see that someone probably wants to quarrel countries that live next to each other” – Lyudmila Czekanowa from Belarus said. “But when we meet people and give space for non-use of ideology, we see that we have rather good relations and, in my opinion, this is what cooperation and various international organizations are built on” – she emphasized.
Schuman Trimarium Forum participants also talked about new technologies, IT, artificial intelligence and network security. They pointed to the potential of young Poles and the technological development of Poland. They emphasized that modern technologies should be tools that serve people, and not on the contrary.
The Schuman Trimarium Forum is organized by the Institute of Schuman Thought with the participation of substantive and strategic partners, including the Marshal’s Office of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship and the Industrial Development Agency. About 150 young people from 10 countries are taking part in the event, which will last until September 22, 2023. They have the opportunity to benefit from the experience of people who are authorities in their fields and integrate with each other. The forum is accompanied by cultural events, including dance games and national dance courses. The event was held under the patronage of the Speaker of the Sejm, Elżbieta Witek.
Anna Wiejak