“It is unacceptable for us that the EU violates treaties, unlawfully blocks our money – I’m talking about the group in power – it wants to change power in Poland in an open way, the masks have fallen off” – said MEP Jacek Saryusz-Wolski during the Warsaw of the 13th Polska Wielki Projekt Congress. “We are existentially threatened from the east, but we are also threatened from the west” – he stressed.
The first day of the Congress was devoted to the widely understood topic of sovereignty, in particular in the context of Russia’s ongoing aggression against Ukraine.
“Representatives of the German elite on the occasion of this war want to push through their hegemony in Europe and transform the EU into a superstate” – Jan Parys, former minister of national defense, said. “You have to realize that the West is united in condemning the war, but when it comes to actual aid, the West is not uniform” – he added.
“Most of the West expresses complacency. They say that war is something transformative and that ‘we have already won’, that a ‘good, better geopolitical order’ is being born, and this is not the case. The EU is fundamentally divided and increasingly polarized” – Jacek Saryusz-Wolski (MEP) noted. He emphasized that making Ukraine’s EU membership conditional on the creation of a superstate “is a cynical way of saying ‘no’ to Ukraine.” He also drew attention to the words of Emmanuel Macron that “we have over-armed NATO’s eastern flank”, which suggests that it should be disarmed. “The real trend is not a new equilibrium, but a return to the status quo ante” – he concluded.
“The war questioned Europe’s policy from Lisbon to Vladivostok and accelerated the creation of a superstate. Just like before, the structures of the EU were changed so that the new ones, like us, could never come to power inside. It strengthens the repressive, penalizing nature of the European Union” – the PiS MEP lamented.
“I believe that it is necessary to say openly that the admission of Ukraine to the EU is a condition for the security of the entire continent. An isolated Ukraine is a Ukraine that will be the object of Russian aggression” – Jan Parys pointed out. “The idea that Ukraine should be governed by governors sent from Brussels cannot be accepted. Because what is the insertion of foreigners into the Ukrainian Constitutional Court?” – he stressed. In his opinion, the outcome of the war in Ukraine is not certain, but Moscow is aware that Russia has lost politically in Ukraine.
When asked how far he thinks it is from the end of the conflict, Jacek Saryusz-Wolski replied: “I think it is further than we would like”. “I think that there is no desire for Russia to be definitively and completely defeated” – he assessed, noting that the West was “trickling” aid to Ukraine. “I think Minsk 3 is coming. Another formula. Macron wants to be a mediator, Germany too. I think it will marginalize Poland” – he said. He pointed out that there are pro-Russian forces and Russian infiltration in Western Europe. He recalled the INGE report on this matter. In his opinion, we should prepare ourselves for a long-term conflict scenario.
“Our region is perceived today in a clearer and clearer way than it used to be, but we are played by Germany and France” – noted Jacek Saryusz-Wolski. “It is unacceptable for us that the EU violates treaties, illegally blocks our money – I’m talking about the group that holds power – it wants to change power in Poland in an open way, the masks have fallen off. This is institutional, legal and financial violence” – he stressed . He pointed out that Poland is “behind the sanitary cordon” and is denied financial rights, while at the same time Hungary is denied treaty rights. “It means that the actual Union no longer exists” – he concluded.
“We are existentially threatened from the east, but we are also threatened from the west, and pretending that this is not there does not lead to anything good, so we must take back Europe. Not leave, but take back. In a moment there will be six EU member states ruled by conservative governments” – the PiS MEP added. In his opinion, the attack on Poland is a preparation for the landization of the European Union on the model of the Reich. “We must return to democracy. Because it is not a democracy if the citizens of the Member States are not equal” – he concluded.