The German daily, inspired by the idea of a Polish commission for Russian influence, postulates the introduction of a similar one in Germany

No country has always been so critical of Russia and warned its European partners so much against Moscow’s aggressive foreign policy for years as Poland” – reminds the German daily Die Welt.

“According to some observers, Germany contributed to the Russian war in Ukraine” – writes Die Welt, noting that the German parliament has not even set up a commission of inquiry to investigate the failed policy of recent years towards Russia.

The newspaper points out that since the publication of the book on Moscow connections by Reinhard Bingener and Markus Wehner, it has become clear that “Germany urgently needs to screen the Russian involvement of its top political staff and that action, such as a ban on holding office, must follow.”

“Die Welt” notes that Manuela Schwesig is still in power in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and the former German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder celebrated the victory of the Soviet Union over the Third Reich in May at the Russian embassy. “The Germans would do well if they dared to be more like Poland at this point” – the journalist “Die Welt” says.

The German journalist thinks that the Polish commission for Russia’s influence cannot be a model for Germany, because in his opinion it is aimed at “discrediting members of the opposition during the election campaign or blocking their way to state office”. In his opinion, however, it may be a call for Germany to finally take seriously the possible threats coming from Russia. The tool for this may be – as he emphasizes – the appointment of an investigative committee.


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