We are extremely delighted to announce that Josephine Pearson – daughter of Franciszek Skalski – senior Polish officer and Boatswain on ORP Błyskawica In 1942, and her son Jason Hinton – grandson of Franciszek Skalski will join us at the Event ORP BŁYSKAWICA in London.

Franciszek Skalski joined ORP Blyskawica at Cowes in 1937 and married Josephine’s mother in East Cowes in July 1940.

Josephine was born in 1942 – the year of the so-called Cowes Blitz – when Luftwaffe bombed city of Cowes and when it was defended by the ORP BŁYSKAWICA.
Franciszek Skalski was well recognised and awarded. He received the Cross of Valour and many other medals for his bravery.

On 25 November 2022, together with Polish Sue, Josephine was participating in the celebrations in Gdynia – on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of raising of the flag on ORP Blyskawica. This is when Polish Sue had pleasure to offer Pawel Ogorek – Commander of BLYSKAWICA – a “Birthday” gift for ORP BŁYSKAWICA – a painting of the ship by Basia Hamilton and a commemorative plaque.

Both, the painting and the plaque, are now displayed in the officers mess on ORP Błyskawica. Polish Sue initiated a social action of massive support for this project amongst Polonia in Great Britain.

We are proud to have Josephine and Jason amongst our VIP guests at DNI ORP Błyskawica.
Link to registration to the Event: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/days-of-orp-byskawica-the-polish-hero-ship-tickets-571990648427?aff=eemailordconf&ref=eemailordconf&utm_campaign=order-confirm-bcc&utm_medium=email&utm_source=eventbrite&utm_term=