The Institute of Schuman’s Thought and the Animators of Poland’s Image in Europe (AWPE) invite you to a meeting with representatives of the Polish community in Slovakia. They are scheduled for February 18, 2023 at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Bratislava at ul. Paulínyho 7, at 10.00. Participants of the Universal University of Christian and Social Teaching will also take part in it on-line.
The next meeting of the School of Animators of the Poland’s Image in Europe will take place during the meeting. You will be able to listen to a lecture by the School Coordinator, Malwina Hopej, and guests from Lithuania: Renata Cytacka, a councilor of the city of Vilnius, and Rajmund Klonowski, a journalist, on the topic: “Building a national brand by Animators of Poland’s Image in Europe. Fundamentals of national branding”.
“The purpose of the meeting is to attract more animators from among the Poles living in Slovakia, who also want to promote Poland’s good image abroad in such a beautiful way” – says Małgorzata Jaroszek, spokeswoman for AWPE and the Institute of Schuman’s Thought. “We propose that these Poles organize or initiate meetings with foreigners, i.e. local residents of Bratislava or other cities, so that those people who want to join the project of Animators of Poland’s Image in Europe can pass on the historical truth, Polish tradition, culture. The goal is also to spread this good image among the local community” – she emphasizes. “During the meeting, which will take place at the Embassy, we will also have another meeting of the School of Polish Image Animators, you will be able to listen to a lecture by the coordinator of the School, Malwina Hopej, and guests from Lithuania, whom we met on the occasion of the visit of Animators in Vilnius, at the City Hall, Vilnius city councilor Renata Cytacka and journalist Rajmund Klonowski” – adds Małgorzata Jaroszek.
Krzysztof Janowski – AWPE Project Coordinator – and Małgorzata Jaroszek will give lectures on the activities of the Institute of Schuman Thought and present the project Animators of Poland’s Image in Europe, to which the members of the Institute invite everyone interested in socio-political matters and shaping Europe, in the spirit of the Founding Father of the Commonwealth of Europe, God’s Servant Robert Schuman. “This meeting is also connected with the jubilee celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the death of the venerable servant of God Robert Schuman, falling this year. Robert Schuman was a politician who believed that in a democratic state it was important to respect the principles of Christianity. He wanted to build community and relationships between people, because he believed that by building good relations one can achieve unity, solidarity and peace” – says Jaroszek. “We invite everyone to take part in this meeting. You can also connect via the Internet via Microsoft Teams” – she encourages.
“The aim of AWPE is primarily to promote a good image of Poland in the country and abroad, based on historical truth, to pass on Polish culture, tradition and Christian values. We want to reach many nationalities living in different European countries with this good image. We care about building relations based on friendship, unity of cooperation between Poles and Polish diaspora living in European countries. We intend to organize various events in the field, such as picnics, festivals, concerts” – explains the spokesperson of the Institute of Schuman Thought. “We want to build a network of international contacts, Polish community leaders. Poles living abroad will have the opportunity to meet the Ambassador or consuls, which in my opinion will be a good opportunity to deepen these relations” – she adds, pointing out that another goal of the AWPE project is to strengthen the role of community leaders.
“We also want to show – especially to younger people or interested people – that by starting cooperation with the Institute of Schuman’s Thought, or through this project, they have the possibility of broadly understood development, that is, if someone is more interested in working in various European institutions, it is thanks to this project that it can be possible. We care about the personal and professional development of leaders, in terms of expanding competences and skills. We want to see talents and potential. This is the great role of the School of Animators of Poland’s Image in Europe, coordinated by Malwina Hopej” – says the spokesperson of the Institute of Schuman’s Thought.
When asked why it is so important to build relationships, Małgorzata Jaroszek replies: “First of all, it unites the Polish community living abroad, whether in Slovakia, Bratislava or other European cities. A lot of people are scattered. Maybe they don’t know where to get involved, or maybe they don’t have the opportunity because they live far away from each other. We want to inspire them to undertake various local initiatives, reaching out to the local community of foreigners. This is extremely important because it also strengthens the position of the community of European nations, for which Robert Schuman strived so much, patron of our Institute. We want to follow him”.
Anna Wiejak