“Christianity is the key to the integration of the Three Seas” – wrote the Speaker of the Sejm, Elżbieta Witek, in a special letter to the participants of the Schuman Trimarium Forum organized by the Institute of Schuman’s Thought. She emphasized that the young generation of Europeans today faces a difficult task of creating a model of cooperation in relation to Robert Schuman’s concept, which was once the basis of the European Union. 150 young people from 10 countries gathered in Krasiczyn to debate current problems and the future of Intermarium in the beautiful surroundings of the castle interior. The fruit of the first day of debates was the idea of creating student Schumann circles at universities in Intermarium, which was favorably received by the Ministry of Education and Science, represented by Minister Wojciech Murdzek. … Kontynuuj czytanie…Elżbieta Witek during the Schuman Trimarium Forum: Christianity is the key to the integration of the Three Seas Initiative