Wojciech Korkuć: The Germans will only gain respect for us when we force them to pay reparations

“The blood boils, how is it possible that someone didn’t pay for it? How is it that humanity hasn’t stigmatized such a thing, that a country has committed such crimes, such barbarism and hasn’t paid for it?! This is some kind of mistake, mistake of humanity! – artist Wojciech Korkuć did not hide his outrage, referring to the crimes and destruction committed in Poland by the German occupier, and the fact that Germany has not yet paid for it. The artist took part in a panel devoted to reparations held as part of the Congress for Independence organized by the World Association “Republika Polonia”.

Wojciech Korkuć recalled that even before the topic of Act 447 appeared, he warned that the failure to pay reparations on the part of Germany “means that we will either have to pay extra for World War II – we have already paid extra, but we can still pay serious money – or we will finally demand reparations and, in fact, we will demand the regulation and ordering of Polish-German relations”. “It was then that I realized that the help of the so-called West after the years of communism was largely based on the fact that the Germans, who were most interested in investing in Poland, actually knew what to protect themselves against and that is why we have so many types of purchased media here in Poland, because they are trying to keep not only Polish public opinion, but also a large part of the political class under their control” – he said. “Why pay reparations? It’s better to pay someone who will be in power here and at the right moment we will sign such documents with him that we will really renounce on behalf of the entire nation” – he added. “October 15 is also an important date, in my opinion, also in this respect for the Polish future and the Polish raison d’état” – he noted.

“The Germans have some internal complex towards us, that subconsciously they can never be equal to Poles. They do not want to recognize Poles as equal citizens of Europe. If we do not strive for this, it will not happen” – he emphasized, adding that “they will only gain respect for us, if we force them to pay these reparations”. “The blood boils, how is it possible that someone didn’t pay for it? How is it that humanity hasn’t stigmatized such a thing, that some country has committed such crimes, such barbarism and hasn’t paid for it?! This is some kind of mistake, mistake of humanity! – he did not hide his indignation.

Referring to the fact that the German elites were responsible for the genocide and robbery of Poles during World War II, Wojciech Korkuć said: “The elites who, before the war broke out, came here to find out which museums or estates they could steal something”. “How is it possible that a country that still has the same cynical approach to its crimes, even though it caused two world wars, still has the most to say within the European Union and some people simply by their own will give them the opportunity to rule as a hegemon and a country that sets the standards of democracy, morality, progress and the rule of law?” – he wondered. In his opinion, reparations are the most important issue in Polish-German relations, and the current government is the first one, which demand them.

The artist drew attention to the need to inform foreign public opinion about the crimes and destruction committed by the Germans in Poland through exhibitions and lectures. Wojciech Korkuć is the author of such slogans as “Reparationen machen frei” (Reparations make you free) and “Herzlich willkommen mit reparationen”, which he placed on his posters.

Anna Wiejak

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