This year’s pro-life demonstration, organized by the Saint Benedict Foundation, will start at Castle Square in Warsaw at 12:30 p.m. on April 14. The event was held under the patronage of the Polish Episcopal Conference. The slogan of the March is: “Long live Poland”.
“The march to Trzech Krzyży Square will be a manifestation in favor of life, family, national solidarity, Christian hope and freedom. The National March of Life is a civic affirmation of the civilization of life, combined with an educational and formation campaign. The march is an expression of solidarity with those most in need, especially unborn children at risk abortion and their mothers and fathers, who often fall victim to this drama” – encourage the Saint Benedict Foundation and the Polish Episcopal Conference.
“Due to the National Day of Baptism of Poland on April 14, the March will also be an opportunity to promote faith, faithfulness, gratitude and responsibility for the heritage, present and future of Christian Poland” – they emphasize.
The Institute of Schuman’s Thought also announced its participation in the March. “These children want to be loved, not killed” – says IMS representative Anna Wiejak, pointing to the value of every human life. “The effects of killing a child affect the entire family, not only the parents, but also the siblings. These are huge tragedies that would not have occurred if the child had been allowed to be born, but supporters of abortion do not say this, and even deny the existence of the post-abortion syndrome” – she adds, emphasizing that “people encouraging abortion do not act in the interest, but to the detriment of women, not to mention those women who are murdered in their mothers’ wombs”.
For three years, members of the Institute of Schuman’s Thought have been gathering every day at 3.00 p.m. on the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, believing that thanks to this they will save at least some of the children conceived at risk of abortion. You can join Chaplet by clicking on the link:
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