Pope Francis consecrated the bell “Voice of the Unborn”, cast in the foundry of the Felczyński family. Now the bell will go to Zambia, where with its sound it is supposed to awake consciences and call for the protection of the conceived life.
The author of this extraordinary pro-life initiative is the “Życiu Tak” Foundation named after Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary based in Rzeszów, which through various projects actively reminds about the need to protect human life from conception to natural death not only in Poland, but also around the world. The first “Voice of the Unborn” bell was created in 2020 as a response of the vice-president of the Foundation, Bogdan Romaniuk, to information about over 42 million unborn children killed every year. It was created in the workshop of Jan Felczyński in Przemyśl.
Cast in bronze, “The Voice of the Unborn” is not the largest bell that was made in the Felczyński foundry, as it weighs just over a tonne, but it has a unique symbolism. There is an ultrasound image of a conceived child and two cherubs guarding and symbolizing the presence of God in the conception of a human being. There were also stone tablets expressing the 10 commandments of God. On the first of them the words of Jesus Christ are engraved: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law”, on the other the fifth commandment: “Thou shalt not kill”. The cast is also surrounded by two XX and XY chromosomes, which symbolize the parents: father and mother.
After being blessed by Pope Francis, the bell “Voice of the Unborn” will go to Zambia, where its sound will remind of the need to protect the lives of the most vulnerable, i.e. unborn children.
The Metropolitan of Lusaka, Archbishop Alick Banda, who participated online in the process of creating the bell and now came to the Vatican to witness its consecration, did not hide his joy. “I am happy to be able to participate in the birth of the bell for Zambia. I express my gratitude to the foundation that decided to undertake such an initiative. The “Voice of the Unborn” bell gives hope for the world, for humanity, for the future. All the gifts that we can have as people begin with from the greatest gift, which is life” – said the prelate.
Zambia won’t be the first country with the “Voice of the Unborn” bell. Previously, such bells went to Ukraine and Ecuador. Currently, talks are underway so that the next bells, which will be made in the workshop in Przemyśl, will remind of the life of the unborn in Mexico and France.