B. Stanisławczyk on Poles saving Jews: The impulse to help was determined by Christian morality

“My conclusions from many years of research are that the reflex to help was determined by Christian morality” – Barbara Stanisławczyk, a journalist and researcher of the history of Poles rescuing the Jewish population from the hands of German oppressors during World War II, said. The AWPE portal and Schuman Optics Magazine had the opportunity to talk to the reporter during the promotion of the reissued edition of her book “Beyond fear”, supplemented with a critical apparatus. … Kontynuuj czytanie…B. Stanisławczyk on Poles saving Jews: The impulse to help was determined by Christian morality

The 79th anniversary of one of the most famous and daring actions of the Polish Armed Independence Underground!

Representatives of the Office for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression and the Social Committee for the Care of the Graves of Fallen Soldiers of the “Zośka” and “Parasol” Battalions organized ceremonies commemorating one of the most important combat actions carried out by the Polish resistance movement in the General Government – the assassination of Franz Kutschera. … Kontynuuj czytanie…The 79th anniversary of one of the most famous and daring actions of the Polish Armed Independence Underground!

INTERVIEW. Scandalous words of EU politicians. Prof. Żaryn for AWPE: We, Poles, must correct the falsification of the history of World War II

As we know, the German historical policy for years has been effectively directed by this state to shift the responsibility from the German nation to the “Nazis” – said prof. Jan Żaryn, Polish historian, in the interview with AWPE. … Kontynuuj czytanie…INTERVIEW. Scandalous words of EU politicians. Prof. Żaryn for AWPE: We, Poles, must correct the falsification of the history of World War II

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