On May 6-8, a youth conference “Dear to dream tommorow!” will be held in Metz, which is also attended by young people from Poland, including winners of the Schuman Thoughts Competition from Łódź, Radom and Olsztyn. Among the speakers was the postulator of Robert Schuman’s beatification process, Father Bernard Ardura.
The conference is one of the stages of the Journey in the footsteps of Schuman, which began on May 5. The Polish youth group that takes part in this event consists of 25 people. Each of them will be able to take advantage of the rich program offer, which includes a visit to Robert Schuman’s home in Scy-Chazelles near Metz, lectures on the person and life of Schuman, a conference at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, a tour of Luxembourg, where Schuman’s family home is located, and stay in Maria Laach, in the Benedictine abbey in Germany, where Schuman used to come for days of recollection.
The conference itself will take place on May 6-8 in Metz. Its leitmotif will be Christian care for the common good in the spirit of Robert Schuman. Among the speakers there will be such eminent people as the postulator of Robert Schuman’s beatification process, Fr. Bernard Ardura, the Archbishop of Metz Philippe Ballot and the philosopher and theologian Sylvain Schirmann.
An important part of the conference will be a solemn Holy Mass, during which participants will pray, among others for the imminent beatification of Robert Schuman.