Germany returns to coal, and the EC continues to push green madness

“Fit for 55”, the Green Deal and RePowerEU are still the main way of the European Commission to solve energy problems. The heating season will start soon, the Germans are opening more and more lignite mines, and the European Commission is trying to force the Member States to undertake a costly green transformation in the situation of a self-generated crisis. During the meeting of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE), the Director General of ENER in the EC, Ditte Juul Jørgensen, answered questions from MEPs. … Kontynuuj czytanie…Germany returns to coal, and the EC continues to push green madness

Jan Dziedziczak: The situation is very serious and that is why we must mobilize

“The situation is very serious and that’s why we have to mobilize in every way, and here our Polish diaspora policy is a very important element to counteract Russian imperialism, because it is a fight for the safety of all of us, including Poles here in Poland” – Jan Dziedziczak, the Government Plenipotentiary for the Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad said during the panel “Polish diaspora media as a creator of preserving Polish identity abroad”, which took place as part of the 32nd Economic Forum in Karpacz. … Kontynuuj czytanie…Jan Dziedziczak: The situation is very serious and that is why we must mobilize

Ed. Ciunowicz: We must be proud of who we are and what we do every day

“We must be proud of who we are and what we do every day” – ed. Mirosław Ciunowicz, director of TVP Wilno said during the panel „Polish diaspora media as a creator of preserving Polish identity abroad”, which took place as part of the 32nd Economic Forum in Karpacz. … Kontynuuj czytanie…Ed. Ciunowicz: We must be proud of who we are and what we do every day

Morawiecki: By applying for war reparations, we are claiming the right to exist, which was denied us 84 years ago

“By applying for war reparations, we are therefore claiming the right to exist, which was denied to our ancestors 84 years ago. We cannot allow it to be called into question again in the future” – Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said, referring to the anniversary of the outbreak of World War II, which we celebrated September 1. In a special recording, the head of the Polish government once again reminded why Poland asked Germany for reparations and explained the consequences of the Germans not paying the money. … Kontynuuj czytanie…Morawiecki: By applying for war reparations, we are claiming the right to exist, which was denied us 84 years ago

If there is a “border of evil”, Agnieszka Holland has just crossed it

“After Usnarz, where the guards did not let refugees in and did not allow them medical care, humanitarian aid, where the first pushbacks took place, I understood that an atrocity training camp was being built on the border” – says director Agnieszka Holland in an interview with “Newsweek” in relation to situation on the border between Poland and Belarus. Instead of appreciating the efforts of Polish services to ensure the safety of Poles, Holland slanders border guards and Polish authorities, and it is thanks to their efforts that masses of migrants do not get to the EU. … Kontynuuj czytanie…If there is a “border of evil”, Agnieszka Holland has just crossed it

Prime Minister Morawiecki: These were ordinary Germans, who pushed Poland into this abyss

“From that moment, from that day, the apocalypse began for the Polish nation. The goal of the German Third Reich was to destroy the Polish state and annihilate the Polish nation. The hecatomb that began then led to dramatic consequences” – Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said during the ceremony in Wieluń commemorating the outbreak of World War II. On September 1, 1939 at 4:40 am, the Third Reich attacked Poland, starting the bloody World War II. Wieluń, bombed at dawn by the Germans, was the first victim of the barbaric warfare. On the 84th anniversary of these events, the head of the Polish government appealed not only for the memory of the victims, but also for compensation. … Kontynuuj czytanie…Prime Minister Morawiecki: These were ordinary Germans, who pushed Poland into this abyss

President Duda on the 84th anniversary of the German aggression against Poland: We must build our security

On September 1, 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland, starting World War II. The celebrations at Westerplatte were attended, among others, by President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda and Minister of National Defense Mariusz Błaszczak. “Freedom is not given once and for all. And it will not hold on its own. No one will give it to us as a gift! On the contrary – history shows that it will rather want to take it away from us. That is why we must show that we are ready and we must always be ready and responsibility” – the highest commander of Polish armed forces said. … Kontynuuj czytanie…President Duda on the 84th anniversary of the German aggression against Poland: We must build our security

“The Pilecki Report” – a film about a steadfast Pole who achieved the impossible in the hell of totalitarianism

As a volunteer to Auschwitz, he survived hell, only to experience even greater hell later in communist torture chambers and die – we are talking about one of the greatest Polish heroes, Captain of cavalry Witold Pilecki. Inspired by his extraordinary biography, the film will be shown in cinemas from September 1. … Kontynuuj czytanie…“The Pilecki Report” – a film about a steadfast Pole who achieved the impossible in the hell of totalitarianism

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