
EC first let industrial fishing vessels into the Baltic and now is introducing further cuts in fishing quotas

The European Commission adopted on Monday its proposal for fishing quotas in the Baltic Sea for 2024. The EC refers to a scientific assessment that indicates that several fisheries are in a dire situation. The problem is that a dozen or so years ago, despite the opposition of fishermen, it let industrial fishing vessels into the Baltic Sea, which led to an ecological disaster in the Baltic Sea. So far, no EU official has been held accountable for this. … Kontynuuj czytanie…EC first let industrial fishing vessels into the Baltic and now is introducing further cuts in fishing quotas

Poland a victim of German migration policy

Hardly a day goes by without the German press writing about migrants crossing Poland to Germany. There are also ideas to introduce controls at the border with Poland. Interestingly, German journalists and columnists notoriously forget to remind their readers that migrants want to come to Germany because they were invited by the German government, while Poland has become a victim of this invitation. … Kontynuuj czytanie…Poland a victim of German migration policy

Is there a secret agreement between Berlin and Moscow? Attacks on Poland in the EU may be a distraction

“It was a catastrophic assault on energy supplies, a singular act of sabotage – an attack on Germany” – this is how the German weekly “Der Spiegel” describes the blowing up of the three lines of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines. German investigative journalists, whose traces of the assassins led to Kiev, forgot to add that the construction of the aforementioned gas pipelines enabled Russia to attack Ukraine, which – if the planned blitzkrieg was successful – would most likely end in aggression against Poland as well. The question is, did the German authorities know about Russia’s planned invasion of Ukraine? What arrangements did Chancellor Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin make before the former resigned? … Kontynuuj czytanie…Is there a secret agreement between Berlin and Moscow? Attacks on Poland in the EU may be a distraction

Scandal! The culture portal suggests that the Nazis were Poles, not Germans

Themovieculture.com reviewing the film “Oppenheimer” used the phrases “Hitler’s Poland” and “Nazi atomic bomb”, which in combination may suggest that Poles were Nazis (Germans were not mentioned at all). Well, once again, it must be remembered that the Nazis were Germans. … Kontynuuj czytanie…Scandal! The culture portal suggests that the Nazis were Poles, not Germans

Important words of Polish Prime Minister on migration: “We want Poles to decide who we will let into our country”

“We want Poles to decide who we want to let in, who we will let into our country” – said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in his latest recording on social media. This message delivered to Poles should also resonate strongly in Brussels, and the EU should finally begin to respect Polish democracy and democratic choices made by Poles. … Kontynuuj czytanie…Important words of Polish Prime Minister on migration: “We want Poles to decide who we will let into our country”

EU commissioners do not mention Germany in a statement considering A Day of Rememberance for the victims of totalitarianisms

To commemorate the Europe-Wide Day of Remembrance for the victims of all totalitarian and authoritarian regimes tomorrow, Vice-President for Values and Transparency, Věra Jourová, and Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, issued the statement, in which they do not mention Germany. It should be said strictly: Nazis were Geramans! … Kontynuuj czytanie…EU commissioners do not mention Germany in a statement considering A Day of Rememberance for the victims of totalitarianisms

European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism? In Russia and Germany, the spirit of Rapallo is still alive

This year, for the 15th time, we celebrate the European Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Stalinism and Nazism established by the European Parliament on 23 August. It is sad to say that neither Russia nor Germany made amends for all the evil done during and after World War II, which was unprecedented in earlier history. … Kontynuuj czytanie…European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism? In Russia and Germany, the spirit of Rapallo is still alive

The German MEP admitted that the EU interferes in the election campaign in Poland!

In an interview with the German daily Frankfurter Rundschau, German MEP Daniel Freund from the Green Party referred to the parliamentary elections planned for the autumn in Poland. He admitted that the EU interferes in the election campaign in Poland. … Kontynuuj czytanie…The German MEP admitted that the EU interferes in the election campaign in Poland!

Fulfilling the expectations of the Polish side would disarm the Russian propaganda

Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Occupied Territories Iryna Wereszczuk gave an interview to the Rzeczpospolita newspaper, in which she appealed: “Let’s not make historical mistakes, because together we must resist Russia. We’ll deal with the rest later”. The problem, however, is that such appeals should be addressed to Ukrainian politicians, not Polish ones, who, together with the entire Polish nation, supported the struggling Ukraine. … Kontynuuj czytanie…Fulfilling the expectations of the Polish side would disarm the Russian propaganda

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